Higher-Ed Institute Student Space and Interview Rooms
Adaptive Reuse

In response to the changing dynamics of student needs and the underutilization of spaces within educational campuses, FM was tasked to re-envision the use of the Garden Level Locker Room. These lockers, which had fallen out of active use since early 2020, presented a unique opportunity to repurpose valuable campus real estate in a way that directly benefited the students.

Our approach to this project was grounded in practicality and adaptability, aiming to transform the area into a multifunctional space that supports the diverse and evolving needs of students. The resulting design is a flexible study area that acknowledges the importance of both solitary and collaborative work. The space is organized to offer a variety of study environments, from quiet study rooms that facilitate focus and concentration to interview rooms equipped with the technology needed for both in-person and virtual meetings. This allows the space to cater not only to daily study routines but also to the special requirements of group projects and professional interviews.

In designing this area, lighting, acoustics, and connectivity were key considerations, ensuring that the environment is comfortable, quiet, and well-equipped for both digital learning and traditional study methods.

This project reflects our commitment to innovative architectural solutions that address the real-world challenges faced by educational institutions today. It stands as an example of how underutilized spaces can be effectively transformed to serve the dynamic needs of a diverse student population.